Published: March 30, 2022

Functional classification of the elderly haemodialysis patient and its influence on individualisation of treatment

29-38 Mª Luz Sánchez-Tocino, Blanca Miranda-Serrano, Silvia Villoria-González, Mónica Pereira-García, Antonio López-González, Emilio González-Parra

Prevalence of burnout syndrome in nephrology nurses after one year of the COVID-19 pandemic

39-45 Laura Terns-Campius, Guillermo Pedreira-Robles

Psychological well-being in nurses performing renal replacement therapy in times of COVID-19 pandemic

46-52 Sandra Milena Martínez Rojas, Silvia Liliana Ruiz Roa

Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with a functioning renal transplant in a tertiary hospital in the community of Madrid

54-58 Araceli Faraldo-Cabana, Belén Peix-Jiménez, Rocío Fernández-Díaz, Jesús Sanz-María, Ana María Fernández-Cruz, Ismael Ortuño-Soriano

Patient's experiences of being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and being admitted to peritoneal dialysis

59-65 Mª Cristina Rodríguez-Zamora, Ana Patricia Moreno-Serrano, Ana Miriam Cabrera-Delgado, Luis Alberto Regalado-Ruiz, José Dante Amato-Martínez

Quality of life assessment in chronic haemodialysis patients in Colombia

66-73 Zorayda Barrios-Puerta, Moraima del-Toro Rubio, Shirley Fernández-Aragón, Yolima Manrique-Anaya

Qualitative approach to the quality of life of a Chilean elderly person with family accompaniment

75-81 Águeda Molina-Bello, Geraldine Moncada-Vásquez, Claudia Reyes-Vargas, Joel Vásquez-Navarrete, Paulina Segura Hernández, Bárbara Cerda-Aedo

Urological and renal complications in patients undergoing pulmonary resection depending on whether or not urinary catheterization is used

83-88 Sonia Martín-Baeza, Livia Franco-de la Fuente, Isabel Vila-Cubell, Esther Díaz-Sánchez, Alicia Irene Gasulla-Guillermo, Ricard Navarro-Ripoll