Published: June 18, 2014

Influence of education provided by nurses to patients and their primary caregivers in monitoring serum phosphorus

92-97 Laura Hernández Moreno, Romy Judy Perinango, Eva Casanovas Izquierdo

Analysis of the relationship between the dependence level of the patient and primary caregiver burden on hemodialysis

98-103 Azahara Contreras Gallego, Pablo Jesús López Soto, Rodolfo Crespo Montero

A comparative analysis between online hemodia-filtration and hemodiafiltration with endogenous reinfusion: clinical, technical and inflammatory parameters

104-109 Mª del Carmen Ramírez Moreno, Irene Torollo Luna, Mª Dolores López Zamorano, Mª Concepción Guisado Segador, Jesús Jerónimo Muñoz Poyato, Francisco Salas Cardador, Francisco Arévalo Salamanca, Mateo Alcántara Crespo, Elvira E Esquivias de Motta

Withdrawing dialysis in End-Stage Renal Disease: ¿What do patients think?

110-119 Mª Arratzazu Arrausi Larrea, Yolanda Martínez Martínez, Magdalena Berasategui Burguera, Begoña Capillas Echevarria, Iñaki Saralegui Reta, Oscar García Uriarte, Elena Montoya Argote, Carmen Robledo Zulet

Acute renal failure caused by multiple myeloma: Care in the hemodialysis unit

135-143 Víctor Cantín Lahoz, Elisa Rojo Zulaica, Ana Vecino Soler, Mercedes Marcén Letosa, Blanca Aznar Buil

Treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura using therapeutic apheresis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus

144-146 Anselmo Guareño Antúnez, Cándida Santos Ugia, Francisco Calderón Lozano, Jesús del Arco Adame, Margarita Alvarez Calderón, Francisca Ramos Jerez, Mª Concepción Cruz Cánovas, Jesús Márquez Benítez

Buttonhole: an alternative puncture technique for home hemodialysis

147-149 Laura Baena Ruiz

Daily Update of peritoneal dialysis

132-134 Dolores Andreu-Periz, Miguel Ángel Hidalgo-Blanco, Mª Carmen Moreno-Arroyo