Published: September 30, 2020

XLV Congress of the Spanish Society of Nephrology Nursing: New training challenges

231-232 Fernando González, Francisca Pulido, Juan Francisco Pulido, Patricia Arribas

Benefits of physical exercise during the haemodialysis session. A systematic review

233-243 Carmen Mª Jiménez-Prieto, Rosa González-Tamajón, Rodolfo Rodolfo Crespo-Montero

Dietary recommendations for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and SARS-CoV-2 infection

244-251 Almudena Pérez-López, Alberto Caverni-Muñoz , Filo Trocoli-González, Ana Sanjurjo-Amado, Guillermina Barril-Cuadrado

Meaning of the educational processes for health professionals who work in a dialysis centre

252-258 Eugenia Karina Sanhueza-Inzunza, Carolina Alejandra Aparicio-Molina

Sleep disturbances in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease

259-266 Ana Moreno-Egea, Mónica Romero-Reyes, Mª Victoria Gómez-López, Rodolfo Crespo-Montero

Influence of the educational process in the ACKD consultation on the choice of renal replacement therapy

267-272 Raquel Pelayo-Alonso, Rosa Ana Sáinz-Alonso, José Luis Cobo-Sánchez, Patricia Martínez-Álvarez

Effects of the periodic application of in situ simulation for permanent education in cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the context of haemodialysis

274-284 Fabiana Pisciottani, Cleidilene Ramos-Magalhães, Ana Elizabeth Figueiredo

Knowledge about chronic kidney disease in young Cuban university students

285-293 Delia Leisy Miranda-González, Lesnay Martínez-Rodríguez, Evelyn Fernández-Castillo

Report of a case of coronavirus infection in a renal transplant recipient.

294-302 Sara Mencía Prendes, María Ruiz García

Nursing care process to a paediatric patient during a renal biopsy

303-310 José Arcioles-Fernández, Isabel María Oliver-Jiménez, Mª Luisa Sánchez-Martínez, Concepción Amat-Medina