Published: December 22, 2017

Characterization of pain in the hemodialysis patient

295-304 Mercedes Gómez Pozo, María del Carmen Ruiz Parrado, María Crespo Garrido, Victoria Eugenia Gómez López, Rodolfo Crespo Montero

Effect of the direction of the arterial needle in the measurement of vascular access flow with dilutional methods

305-315 Mª Luz Sánchez Tocino, Antonio López González, Alberto Sánchez Martín, Silvia Villoria González, Vega Turrión Cabezas, María Gascón Colorada, Marina Burgos Villullas, Mª del Pilar Núñez García, Hortensia Sánchez Tocino

Usefulness of Body Mass Index in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

316-322 Mª Eugenia Pons Raventos, Ana Rebollo Rubio, Rosario Amador Coloma

Reached dialysis dose in hemodialysis patients according to the type of vascular access

324-329 Raquel Pelayo Alonso, Patricia Martínez Álvarez, Mª José Cagigas Villoslada, Camino Villa Llamazares, Mª Eugenia Cuadrado Mantecón, Magdalena Gándara Revuelta

Self-care agency in persons with Chronic Kidney Disease in dialysis

330-341 Claudia Patricia Cantillo-Medina, Joselinne de Jesús Blanco-Ochoa

Perceptions in the daily life of the patient with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

342-351 Marta Beatriz Luque Llaosa, Amaranta Fuenmayor Díaz, Anna Matamala Gaston, Esther Franquet Barnils

The bacteraemia related to the tunnelled catheter of haemodialysis and nursing care

353-365 María Crespo Garrido, María del Carmen Ruiz Parrado, Mercedes Gómez Pozo, Rodolfo Crespo Montero

Pharmacotherapy in Kidney Disease. Therapeutic adherence

367-370 Dolores Andreu-Periz, José Antonio Sarria Guerrero

DietaDialisisQuiz: A Multiplayer Competitive Serious Game for Learning During Dialysis

378-381 Juan Luis Fernández Benítez, Juan Luis González Pascual, Enrique Puertas Sanz