Published: March 19, 2018


7-8 Hector Castiñeira López

Current state of use of domiciliary hemodialysis: An integrative review

63-74 Ana Belén Romero Ruiz, Elizabeth Serrano Madero, Rodolfo Crespo Montero

Two anticoagulation methods in continuous extra-renal depuration techniques

9-17 Sergi Aragó Sorrosal, Lida María Rodas Marín, Ferrán Torres, Vanesa Villegas Jiménez, Esteban Poch López de Briñas

Deficit of vitamin D in hemodialysis patients and related factors

18-24 Mercedes Arruche Herrero, Alejandra Alonso Fernández, Mª Ángeles González Lozano, Laura León Parga, Rosa Ana Paz Paz, Edith García Abelló, Rocío Martos Bustos, Dolors Sabaté Rovira, Carmen Palomares Peña, Javier Varas García

Analysis of the safety culture of the patient in out-of-hospital hemodialysis units. Evolution after the implementation of measures

25-33 Francisco Luis Sánchez Izquierdo, Noelia Olmedo Moreno, Nuria Urbón Peláez, Ana Ángeles Rico González

Analysis of the degree of knowledge about the transplantation of live relatives of the dialysis patient

35-43 Elizabeth Serrano Madero, Ana Belén Romero Ruiz, Alberto Rodríguez Benot, Rodolfo Crespo Montero

Analysis of the psychophysical state of hemodialysis patients

44-51 Guillermo Pedreira Robles, Ana Vasco Gómez, Cristina Herrera Morales, Yaiza Martínez Delgado, Ernestina Junyent i Iglesias

Needs of Educational-Therapeutic Actions in a Renal Dialysis Service in Brazil

53-62 Larissa Padilha Fernandes, Karine Yana Mota Marins, Hercules de Oliveira Carmo, Samira Rodrigo dos Santos Silva, Silvia Maria de Carvalho Farias, Clinton Fàbio Gomes da Silva

Choice of vascular access in a tetraplegic patient on hemodialysis: an obstacle to overcome

81-85 Engracia Martínez Rodíguez, Covadonga Diaz García, Ana María Mon Rodríguez, Alejandra Méndez González

Thrombotic patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in hemodialysis: addressing circuit

86-91 Mirian García Martínez, Miguel Merino García, Alicia Labrador Pérez

Vascular accesses: constant challenge in hemodialysis units

76-80 Dolores Andreu-Periz, Miguel Ángel Hidalgo-Blanco, Mª Carmen Moreno-Arroyo