Published: June 30, 2022

The home as a life-sustaining enclosure for peritoneal dialysis: experience of family caregivers

125-131 Joselin Ulco-Bravo, Mirtha Flor Cervera-Vallejos, Rosa Díaz-Manchay, Mirian Saavedra-Covarrubia, Francisca Constantino-Facundo

Characterization of adolescent kidney transplant recipients and in pre-transplantation protocol in Cali, Colombia

133-139 Luis A Lovera, Jhovana Trejos, Luz K Encarnación, Christian Pereira, Alejandro Padilla Guzmán, Jaime Manuel Restrepo

Relationship between quality of life, adherence to treatment and the knowledge level of haemodialysis patients

140-148 Silvia Casares-Cid, Penélope Nathaly Goncalves-Vázquez, Alba Alonso-González, María José Remigio-Lorenzo, Vázquez-Rivera Vázquez-Rivera, Ángel Alfredo Martínez-Ques

Relationship between personality factors and control of water intake in hemodialysis patients

150-155 Mª Dolores Robles-Relaño, Sherezade Salado-Jurado, Antonio José Fernández-Jiménez

Influencia de la ansiedad y de los factores de la diálisis en el desarrollo de fatiga en el paciente hemodializado

156-161 Yanti Cahyati, Ida Rosdiana

Graft and patient survival after kidney transplantation in a hospital in Yucatan, Mexico

162-167 Ligia Maria Rosado Alcocer, Carolina Elizabeth Medina-Escobedo, María Alejandra Salcedo-Parra, Genny Josefina Madera-Poo, José Andrés Gil-Contreras, Luis Fernando Aguilar-Castillejos

Care needs during the study of kidney donor candidates

169-181 Guillermo Pedreira-Robles, Victoria Morín-Fraile, Anna Bach-Pascual, Dolores Redondo-Pachón, Marta Crespo, Paloma Garcimartín