Reviewers’ work is essential for upholding the standard of quality expected from the publication and that authors and readers also expect. However, the review criteria must work in tandem with the editorial policy of the Enfermería Nefrológica journal. This policy is designed by the management teams to ensure that the review process is not, exclusively, the final decision as to whether an article should be published, but allows for improvements of certain aspects of it (where appropriate), through technical suggestions that allow its relevance and consequently its subsequent dissemination to increase.

In order to be able to contribute to this objective, the management team has prepared a series of recommendations, in the form of guidelines, which we hope will be useful for reviewers of Enfermería Nefrológica. These recommendations have the dual function of unifying criteria from different experts, respecting their particular viewpoint and fitting them into to the journal’s editorial policy.
The complete guide for reviewers can be downloaded here.

General recommendations

The Enfermería Nefrológica journal guarantees the anonymity of its reviewers throughout the entire process. Submissions are confidential documents and cannot be discussed outside the editorial environment in its strictest sense. Any queries made by reviewers must be communicated to the journal in a confidential manner. After the submission has been reviewed, the copy of it must be destroyed.

The final decision of whether to publish the work rests with the Editorial Board, and therefore, reviewers’ suggestions cannot appear in the author information.

Specific recommendations

Ascertain whether the submission fits with the journal’s publications. In this sense, reviewers must try to align aspects of the original with reader interest criteria.

The following must be reviewed separately:

    • Submission type
    • Introduction
    • Material and method
    • Results
    • Discussion and conclusions
    • Referernces

Avoid the use of abbreviations in the title of the article, even if it is a well-known abbreviation.

Assess whether the submission fits with Enfermería Nefrológica’s publication guidelines.

The references section must be current: check the reference year dates. Reviewers can suggest author citations be included if relevant. 

The abstract must be informative and structured according to journal guidelines. 

Figures must be clear and relevant, without repeating data that has already been provided in the text. Reviewers must assess timely changes in its design to facilitate reading and comprehension of the submission.

Reviewers must assess ethical aspects and ensure that the international ethical codes to which the Enfermería Nefrológica journal abides by have been respected.

Assess the suitability of keywords.

May we remind you that Enfermería Nefrológica, as a journal of international excellence, follows the ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics COPE, and reviewers must respect these publication ethics.

During the revision process, reviewers can contact the secretary’s office to request any clarification regarding the journal’s editorial criteria.

They can also make use of the resources for reviewers which the journal has made available:

Please read the registration guide on our website.

Guide for reviewers.

Submission assessment sheet

- Clinical case assessment sheet

Publication guidelines