Enfermería Nefrológica is the official journal of the Spanish Society of Nephrology Nursing (SEDEN). Although the preferred language for the journal is Spanish, it also accepts articles in Portuguese and English.

Enfermería Nefrológica regularly publishes four issues a year, on the 30th of March, June, September and December, and a shorter paper version. All of the contents are available to access free of charge on the website: www.enfermerianefrologica.com. The journal is financed by the Spanish Society of Nephrology Nursing and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY NC). This journal does not charge any article processing fees.

The journal is included in: CINAHL, IBECS, SciELO, CUIDEN, SIIC, Latindex, Capes, DULCINEA, Dialnet, DOAJ, ENFISPO, Scopus, Sherpa Romeo, C17, RECOLECTA, Redalyc, REBIUN, REDIB, MIAR, WordCat, Google Scholar Metric, Cuidatge, Cabells Scholarly Analytics, WoS-Scielo Citación Index, AURA and JournalTOCs.

Enfermería Nefrológica publishes nursing research articles related to nephrology, high blood pressure and dialysis and transplants, which aim to increase scientific knowledge and ultimately lead to better renal patient care. It also accepts articles from other nursing fields or broader topics which result in greater professional knowledge of nephrological nursing.  

In terms of publishing submissions, Enfermería Nefrológica follows the general guidelines described in the standard requirements for submissions presented for publication in biomedical journals, drafted by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME),  available athttp://www.icmje.org. The editorial committee will consider how well the submissions they receive follow this writing protocol. 


The journal essentially contains the following sections:

Editorial. Concise article which expresses an opinion or in which various facts or other opinions are stated. Short reviews by the editorial committee.

Long articles. These are articles in which the author(s) focus(es) on a health problem, which requires a specific nursing action performed with qualitative or quantitative methodologies, or both.

Long articles with qualitative or quantitative methodologies must contain: a structured summary (maximum 250 words in English and in the original language), introduction, aims, materials and method, results, discussion and conclusions (maximum length of 3,500 words for quantitative methodologies and 5,000 words for qualitative methodologies, a maximum of six tables and/or figures and a maximum of 35 bibliographic references).

Reviews. Bibliometric studies, narrative, integrative and systematic reviews, meta-analysis and meta-synthesis regarding current and relevant topics in nursing and nephrology, following the same structure and guidelines as the original qualitative work, but with a maximum of 80 bibliographic references. 

Clinical case. Essentially descriptive reports of one or a few cases related to the clinical practice of nurses, in any of the various facets of their work. The report must be concise and will describe the methodology employed leading to resolution of the case from a nursing care perspective. It should include a 250-word summary in Spanish and English and cover: case description, care plan description, plan evaluation and conclusions. Maximum desired length is 2,500 words, with the following structure: introduction; presentation of case; complete nursing evaluation indicating model; description of care plan (containing the possible nursing diagnoses and problems regarding collaboration, aims and nursing interventions, wherever possible using the NANDA-NIC-NOC taxonomy); care plan evaluation and conclusions. A maximum of three tables/figures and 15 bibliographical references will be permitted.

Cover Letter.  which agree or disagree with previously published articles. They can also be observations or experiences of a current topic of interest in nephrological nursing. They should be no longer than 1,500 words with up to five bibliographic references and one figure/table.

Brief articles. Research work in the same vein as the longer articles, but narrower in scope (series of cases, research on experiences with very specific objetives and results), which can be communicated more concisely. These will follow the same structure: structured summary (250 words in English and Spanish), introduction, objetive, method, results, discussion and conclusion (2,500 words in length, maximum three tables and/or figures, maximum 15 bibliographical references).

Other sections. These will include various articles that may be of interest in the field of nephrological nursing.

Lengths indicated are for guidance purposes only. Submission length excludes: title, authors/affiliation, summary, tables and bibliographical purposes. The structure and length of each section of the journal are summarised in table 1.


Authors grant the publisher the non-exclusive licence to publish the work and consent to   its use and distribution under the creative commons atribución - no comercial 4.0 international (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence. Read the licensing information and legal text here. This must be expressly stated wherever necessary.

Previously published submissions or those sent simultaneously to other journals will not be accepted. Authors will inform the editorial committee of any submissions that are presented at scientific events (conferences or workshops). It would be advisable for all papers to have passed an ethics committee.

Submissions are to be uploaded to the digital platform found on the website: http://www.enfermerianefrologica.com,  (under the “Make a submission” section).  

As part of the submission process, authors are obliged to check that their submission meets all of the requirements set out below. Any submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be declined for publication.

A letter of presentation addressed to the journal’s Chief Editor must accompany the submission, in which the author(s) ask(s) for their work to be accepted for publication in a section of the journal. This will include completing the publication agreement form, vouching for the submission’s originality and providing assurances that it has not been published elsewhere.  (Download form)

Submissions will be accepted in word format, one in which the author is identifiable, and the other which is anonymous for peer review. Pages must be DIN-A4 sized, double-spaced and with size-12 font, with 2.5-cm top, bottom and side margins.  Pages will be numbered consecutively. Headings, footnotes and highlighting are not recommended, as they can cause problems with layout should the submission be published.

Enfermería Nefrológica’s management tool will acknowledge the receipt of all submissions. Once receipt has been acknowledged, the editorial process starts, which can be followed by authors via the aforementioned platform.

Submissions must comprise three files to be uploaded onto the journal’s OJS platform.

File 1:

-   Letter of presentation that accompanies the submission.

-   Publication agreement form, content liability and assurance that it has not been published elsewhere.

File 2:

-   Full submission (including tables and appendices) with name of author(s).

File 3:

-   Full submission (including tables and appendices) with no identifying details of author(s).

The ethical responsibility section must be accepted before the files can be submitted.

The original submissions must adhere to the following presentation guidelines:

First page. This begins with the article title, authors’ full names and surnames, work centres, countries or origin, email addresses and  ORCID number (unique researcher ID).  Indicate which author any correspondence is to be addressed to, as well as whether the surnames of the authors are to be joined by a hyphen or just one surname is to be used.

Summary. All articles must include a summary (in the original language and in English). This is to be a maximum length of 250 words. The summary must contain sufficient information so that readers can gauge a clear idea of the article’s content, without any reference to the text, bibliographical references or abbreviations and follow the same sections as the text: introduction, aims, materials and method, results and conclusion. The summary will not contain any new information not contained within the text itself.

Keywords. Some 3-6 keywords must be included at the end of the summary, which are directly related to the main study principles (advisable to use DeCS controlled vocabulary http://decs.bvs.br/E/homepagee.htm and MeSH https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh).

Text. In observational or experimental submissions, the text is usually divided into sections or the following:  Introduction, which must provide the necessary items to understand the work and include its objetives. Method employed in the research, including the centre where the research was conducted, its duration, characteristics of the series, sample selection criteria, techniques employed and statistical method. Results, which must provide data and not comment or discuss it. Results must exactly answer the objetives set out in the introduction. Tables and/or figures can be used to supplement information, although superfluous repetitions of results that are already included in the tables must be avoided, focusing instead on only the most relevant information. In the Discussion the authors must comment on and analyse the results, linking them to those obtained in other studies that are bibliographically referenced, as well as any conclusions they have reached with their work. The Discussion and Conclusion must stem directly from the results, with no statements made that are not validated by the results obtained in the study.

Acknowledgements. Should they wish to, authors may express their gratitude to anyone or any institution that has helped them to conduct their research. This section should also be used to acknowledge anyone who does not meet all of the criteria to be considered as an author, but who has helped with the submission, such as those who have helped with data collection, for example.

Statement on the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in scientific writing. AI and AI-assisted technologies should not be listed as author, co-author, or cited as author. Authorship implies responsibilities and tasks that can only be attributed to and performed by humans. If it has been used, authors should include a paragraph before the bibliography reporting the use of AI: “During the preparation of this paper, the authors used [NAME TOOL/SERVICE] for [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the authors reviewed and edited the content as necessary and take full responsibility for the publication’s content”. This statement does not apply to using essential tools to check grammar, spelling, bibliographic references, etc. If there is nothing to declare, there is no need to add this section.

References. References will follow the guidelines indicated in the ICJME with the guidance of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), available on: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html.

Bibliographical references must be numbered consecutively according to the order of first appearance in the text, in superscript Arabic numerals, in the same font type and size as that used for the text. When they coincide with a punctuation mark, the reference will come before the mark. Journal titles must be abbreviated in accordance with the style used in Index Medicus; looking at the “List of Journals indexed” included every year in the January issue of Index Medicus. You can also consult the collective catalogue of periodic publications from the Spanish Health Sciences Libraries, or c17 (http://www.c17.net/). Should a journal not appear in either Index Medicus or the c17, its name must be written out in full.

The bibliography of the articles should be updated to the last seven years and it is recommended to cite an appropriate number of references.

Some examples of bibliographical references are given below.

Journal article

To be written as:

Zurera-Delgado I, Caballero-Villarraso MT, Ruíz-García M. Análisis de los factores que determinan la adherencia terapéutica del paciente hipertenso. Enferm Nefrol 2014;17(4):251-60.

In the case of more than six authors, name the first six authors, followed by the expression “et al”:

Firanek CA, Garza S, Gellens ME, Lattrel K, Mancini A, Robar A et al. Contrasting Perceptions of Home Dialysis Therapies Among In-Center and Home Dialysis Staff. Nephrol Nurs J 2016;43(3):195-205.

In the event that it is a supplement:

Grupo Español Multidisciplinar del Acceso Vascular (GEMAV). Guía Clínica Española del Acceso Vascular para Hemodiálisis. Enferm Nefrol 2018;21(Supl 1):S6-198.

Online journal article:

Pérez-Pérez MJ. Cuidadores informales en un área de salud rural: perfil, calidad de vida y necesidades. Biblioteca Lascasas [Internet]. 2012  [cited 10 Mar 2015];8:[approx. 59 p.]. Available at: http://www.index-f.com/lascasas/documentos/lc0015.php.

Article published online before it is printed:

Blanco-Mavillard I. ¿Están incluidos los cuidados paliativos en la atención al enfermo renal? Enferm Clin. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcli.2017.04.005 Electronic publication 6 June 2017.

Book chapter:

Pulido-Pulido JF, Crehuet-Rodríguez I, Méndez Briso-Montiano P. Punciones de accesos vasculares permanentes. En: Crespo-Montero R, Casas-Cuesta R, editores. Procedimientos y protocolos con competencias específicas para Enfermería Nefrológica. Madrid: Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica (SEDEN); 2013. p. 149-54.


Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica. Madrid. [Accessed 5 February 2007]. Available at: https://www.seden.org.

Authors are advised to study the checklists on the website http://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/ for guidance on the study design of their submission.
• CONSORT for clinical trials
• TREND for non-randomised experimental studies
• STROBE for observational studies
• PRISMA for systematic reviews
• COREQ for qualitative methodology studies

Tables and figures. All will be referred to within the text (without abbreviations or hyphens), and consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals, without superscript, according the order mentioned within the text. They are to be presented at the end of the submission, on a separate page, with titles at the top.  

Tables must be clear and simple, and any symbols or abbreviations must be accompanied by an explanatory note under the table. Images (photos or slides) must be of good quality. It is advisable to use the jpg. format


Enfermería Nefrológica adheres to the ethical guidelines established below for publication and research.

Authorship: Authors making a submission do so on the understanding that it has been read and approved by all of its authors and that all agree to submitting it to the journal. ALL of the listed authors must have contributed to the conception and design and/or analysis and interpretation of the data and/or the writing of the submission and the author information must include the contribution of each on the first page.

Enfermería Nefrológica adheres to the definition and authorship established by The International Committee of Medical Journal Edtiors (ICMJE). In accordance with the criteria established by the ICMJE, authorship must be based on 1) substantial contributions to the conception and design, acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data, 2) drafting of article or critical review of its significant intellectual content and 3) final approval of the published version. All conditions must be fulfilled.

Ethical approval: When a submission requires the collection of research data that involves human subjects, it must be accompanied by an express statement in the materials and method section, identifying how informed consent was obtained and a declaration, wherever necessary, stating that the study has been approved by an appropriate research ethics committee. Editors reserve the right to decline the article when questions remain as to whether appropriate processes have been followed.

Conflict of interests:  Authors must disclose any potential conflict of interest when they make a submission. These may include financial conflicts of interest, patent ownership, shareholdings, employment in dialysis/pharmaceutical companies, consultancies or conference payments by pharmaceutical companies relating to the research topic or area of study. Authors must remember that reviewers have to notify the editor of any conflict of interest that may influence the authors’ opinions.

Any conflict of interest (or information specifying the absence of any conflict of interest) must be included on the first page under the title “Conflict of interests.” This information will be included in the published article. The following sentence must be included when authors have no conflict of interest: “Author(s) declare(s) no conflict of interest.”

Sources of funding:  Authors must specify the source of financing for their research when they make a submission.  Providers of the assistance must be named and their location included (city, state/province, country). 


Enfermería Nefrológica does not condone plagiarism and will not accept plagiarised material for publication under any circumstances.

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

Directly copying text, ideas, images or data from other sources with the corresponding, clear and due acknowledgement.

Recycling text from the authors’ own work without the corresponding referencing and approval by the editor (read more on recycling text in the policy on redundant publication, copying and recycling of text).

Using an idea from another source with modified language without the corresponding, clear and due acknowledgement.

The journal uses the iThenticate-Similarity Check service by Crossref to cross-match texts and detect plagiarism. All of the long articles submitted to Enfermería Nefrológica are processed by an anti-plagiarism system before being sent to peer review. 

Enfermería Nefrológica follows the decision tree recommended by COPE in the event of suspecting a submission or an already-published article contains plagiarism (http://publicationethics.org/files/Spanish%20%281%29.pdf).  Enfermería Nefrológica reserves the right to contact the institution to which the author(s) belong(s) in the event of confirming a case of plagiarism, both prior to and subsequent to publication.

Table 1.  Summary table of the structure and length of each journal section