Published: March 30, 2014

Professional perspective for the specialization in nephrological nursing

9-10 Rodolfo Crespo Montero, Gloria Franco Maldonado, Ana Novas

Quality of life after kidney transplantation: review integrative

51-58 Reginaldo Passoni dos Santos, Daniele Lais Brandalize Rocha

New prospects for peritoneal dialysis: Ultrafiltration of a patient with diuretic-refractory heart failure

62-64 Francisca Gruat Armangué, Esther Salillas Adot, Nieves Simal Vélez, Mª Celia Julvé Ibáñez, Alex Andújar Asensio, Mª José Argerich González

Daily home haemodialysis programme. Alternative with a future

65-67 Encarnación Fernández-Prado

Pain assessment in arteriovenous fi stula puncture for haemodialysis comparing anaesthetic ointment with locally applied cold

11-15 Patricia Ahís Tomás, Inmaculada Concepción Peris Ambou, Carmen Mª Pérez Baylach, Joaquín Castelló Benavent, Ana Novas

Analysis of the factors that influence the appearance of complications in and the survival of central venous

16-21 Gabriel Eduardo Rajoy Fernández, Mª del Mar Rionda Álvarez, Carmen Fátima Pérez Rodríguez

Study of the efficacy of a taurolidine and 4% citrate lock solution for haemodialysis catheters in the prevention

22-27 Mª del Carmen Redondo Simón, Mª del Rocío González Martínez, Mª Dolores Ojeda Ramírez, Ana María García Pérez, Inmaculada Caro Rodríguez, Mª Concepción Huerga García, Marta Gómez Cambronero, Mª del Carmen Molina Álvarez, Sonia García Hita, Rocío Valenzuela, Yolanda Canovas Padilla

Perception and knowledge of hand hygiene in healthcare professionals in a Nephrology unit: a comparative

28-34 José Luis Cobo Sánchez, Raquel Pelayo Alonso, Raquel Menezo Viadero, Mª Elena Incera Setién, Magdalena Gándara Revuelta, Luis Mariano López López

Blood pressure monitoring in advanced chronic renal disease nursing controls

35-38 Francisco Cirera Segura, Álvaro Pérez Baena, Nuria Sánchez Flores, Jesús Lucas Martín Espejo

Analysis of disability in chronic patients, using the WHODAS II tool

39-44 Ana Rebollo Rubio, Sandra Cabrera Azaña, Mª Eugenia Pons Raventos, José Antonio González Castillo, Mª José Pinilla Cancelo, Juan José Mansilla Francisco

Perception of qualify of life reported by adult kidney transplant patients

45-50 Mª Isabel Durán Muñoz, Teresa Lope Andrea, Mª Rosario Pino Jurado, María Cristina Chicharro Chicharro, Elisa Matilla Villar

Metabolic syndrome in renal patients

59-61 Dolores Andreu-Periz, Miguel Ángel Hidalgo-Blanco, Mª Carmen Moreno-Arroyo