Information For Librarians

This space is for sharing experiences and knowledge with the community of librarians from the National Health Sciences Information System.

Librarians must be up-to-speed with systematic learning, continuous searching for new knowledge and the effective application of librarian skills.

Enfermería Nefrológica provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface which allows other homepages and information services to access the metadata of published content.

The route for this is:


Researchers and librarians are advised to include this journal in their list of electronic journals. Likewise, any library that wishes to sign up to receive our journal can do so, or request the registration of their entity. Use the sign-up link at the top of the journal’s homepage to register.

Please read the registration guide on our website.

For any questions or queries please contact:

Read the journal’s privacy declaration, which ensures users that their names and email addresses will not be used for other purposes.