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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The authors declare that they are submitting an original piece of work.
  • The submission has not been previously published nor has been reviewed by any other journal (or an explanation has been given to this regard in the comments to the editor).
  • All the authors have contributed intellectually to its drafting and have all read and approved the final version of the submitted work.
  • Ethical principles have been respected through the research process and the publication fulfils all ethical requirements.
  • In the event of reproducing photographs or patient data, the authors have obtained the prior informed consent of the patient in writing and they have authorised their dissemination, providing that no data is provided which can identify the person.
  • The submission does not contain material that is considered illegal, and does not infringe on any copyright, literary right, trademark or property right of third parties. Authors assume full liability for the published contents, and are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to reproduce previously-published material, namely tables and figures, especially when this material is not available under open access on the internet.

  • The submission file is in word format, double spaced, size-12 font and meets the rest of the journal submission presentation guidelines.
  • Sources of funding for the work submitted are declared, if appropriate.

When submitting work to be published in Enfermería Nefrológica, authors must bear in the mind the following aspects:

- The submission fulfil publication guidelines.

- The format and contents of the submission fulfil the points on the checklist (download here).

- The submission is accompanied by a letter of presentation to the Chief Editor, as well as the publication agreement and content liability forms and a guarantee that it has not been published anywhere else. (Download template)

- Remember that the ethical responsibility section must be accepted before the files can be submitted.

- To facilitate tasks for the editorial team, changes or modifications made to the submission must be highlighted using the track changes tool in MS Word or changing the colour of the text.

- The journal’s editorial team reserves the right to reject any articles that it does not consider appropriate for publication, as well as make changes to style and/or edit texts where required, whilst always respecting the meaning of the original.

- To learn more, read the information for authors.