Privacy Statement


In accordance with Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, personal data protection and guaranteeing digital rights (LOPD-GDD in Spanish) and its implementing regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, we inform you of the following:

Enfermería Nefrológica is the official journal of the SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING.



Company name: © SEDEN

Tax ID: G58196734

Address: C/ De la Povedilla 13, Bajo Izquierda de Madrid, 28009, Madrid (Spain)

Tel.: +34 914 093 737


What do we use your personal data for?

Keeping a record of people requesting information. Sending out commercial advertisements by email, fax, SMS, WhatsApp, social networks or any other physical or electronic form, in the event that the user has expressly consented to the sending of commercial e-communications by subscribing to the NEWSLETTER.

How long will we keep your data for?

Your data will be kept for as long as the commercial relationship between us lasts or you exercise your right to cancel, oppose or limit the processing of your data. However, we will keep certain identifying personal data and traffic data for a maximum period of two years in case it is required by judges or courts or to initiate internal proceedings arising from misuse of the website.

It will not be subject to decisions based on automated processing which would affect your data.

What are the legal grounds for processing your data?

The legal grounds for processing data is your consent given for the above purposes, which is requested in a tick-box question regarding the collection of your data.

Not facilitating the personal data requested or not having accepted this data protection policy means that you cannot subscribe, register with or receive information regarding the Provider’s products and services.

Where there is a prior contractual relation between the parties, the legal grounds for the administrative, tax, accounting and employment obligations necessary in virtue of prevailing legislation will be the pre-existing commercial relationship established between the parties. Where there is a prior contractual relation between the parties, the legal grounds for the administrative, tax, accounting and employment obligations necessary in virtue of prevailing legislation will be the pre-existing commercial relationship established between the parties.

Who will your data be sent to?

The SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] does not transfer or communicate data unless there is a reasonable need to fulfil a judicial procedure, legal obligation or with the prior consent of the user.

It will not make any international transfers of personal data without your prior consent, notwithstanding being able to block or cancel your account if there are any indications that an offence has been committed by the user. The information facilitated will only be that held at that moment by the provider.

The SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] does not transfer data to third parties unless there is a reasonable need to fulfil a judicial procedure, legal obligation or with the prior consent of the user.

The information that you provide us through this website and through the application will be stored on the servers of SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING], contracted out to legally-established third companies who specialise in providing these services. This entity’s data processing is regulated via a processing management contract between the provider and this company. Under no circumstances will the processing manager subcontract services which involve data processing by third parties without our prior consent.

What do we use your personal data for?

We process the information that interested people provide us with in order to provide them with a service and/or by completing online forms.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether we are processing their personal data.

Anyone interested in accessing their personal data, as well as requesting the amendment of incorrect data, or, where appropriate, request its deletion when data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, among other reasons.

In certain circumstances, interested parties can request that their data processing be limited, in which case, we will only store it for the exercising or defending claims.

In certain circumstances, and for reasons related to your individual situation, interested parties can oppose the processing of their data. In this case we will stop processing your data, except for overriding legitimate reasons, or when exercising or defending claims.

We also inform you of the right to petition the data protection agency ( to grant access to your data.

How have we obtained your data?

The personal data that we process comes from the interested party or their legal representative.

By ticking a box, users expressly, freely and unequivocally accept that their personal data can be processed by the provider to answer the formulated requests.

The provider expressly informs and guarantees users that their personal data will not be transferred to third companies other than the service provider and whenever any type of transfer of personal data is to take place, the holder’s express, informed, unequivocal consent will be requested beforehand.

All the data requested through the website is compulsory, and required to provide users with an optimum service. In the event that not all the data is facilitated, the provider cannot guarantee that the information and services facilitated will completely suit your needs.

Users can cancel any of the subscription services provided by clicking on the cancel section on all the emails sent out by the provider.

Likewise, the provider has adopted all of the necessary technical measures and organisation to guarantee the security and integrity of personal data it processes, as well as avoid its loss, alteration and/or access by unauthorised third parties.


Data categories for processing data are:

Data collected by the controller are as follows:

- Any that users provide through the different services offered on the website.

- Any included in the various forms on the website.

- Data collected through cookies to enhance browsing experience as established in the cookie policy.

Refusal to supply the compulsory data will mean that the specific request made will not be met. You declare that the information and the data that you provide us are correct, up-to-date and true. In the event of any changes to your data, please communicate this to us immediately so that the information we process is up-to-date and accurate.

If you contract the service/buy the product through our website we will ask you to provide information about yourself, including your name, contact details and credit or debit card information.

With this Privacy Policy we inform you that the photographs that are uploaded onto the website belong to SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING], including those of minors, for which the prior consent of their parents, tutors or legal guardians has been given by signing the forms for this purpose in the centres which the minors attend. However, the parents, tutors or legal guardians of the minors, as holders of the exercising rights holders, and always with notice given in writing, can refuse to allow the minor’s image to be used, and in this case, it will appear pixelated.


We inform you that the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] may be present on social media. The processing of data from people who become followers on social media (and/or make any other link or connection through social media) on the official pages of the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] will be governed by this section, as well as by the conditions of use, privacy policies and access regulations that belong to the social network where appropriate and have previously been accepted by users.

The SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] will process your details in order to properly administrate your presence on the social network, informing you of the provider’s activities, products or services, as well as for any other purpose permitted by social media regulations.

It is prohibited to publish content that:

 - is presumed unlawful under Spanish, EU or international law or to carry out activities which are presumed to be unlawful or contravene the principles of good faith.

- infringes upon people’s fundamental rights, lacks online courtesy, annoys or may generate a poor opinion from our users or third parties and in general any content that the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] considers to be inappropriate.

- and in general goes against the principles of legality, honesty, responsibility, human dignity and the protection of minors, privacy, consumers and intellectual and industrial property rights.

Similarly, the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] reserves the power to withdraw any content that they deem inappropriate from the website or corporate social media accounts.

Communications of interest can be submitted via social media and will be incorporated into an archive belonging to SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING].

You can access further information, as well as consult the companies forming part of the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING], through the following link:

In any case, if you send personal information through social media, the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] will be exempt from liability regarding any of the applicable security measures applicable to this network; it is the user who must consult the corresponding conditions specific to the network in question should they want to be informed.


Data provided to us will be processed in a confidential manner. The provider has adopted all of the necessary technical and organisational measures and layers of protection to guarantee the security of the data it is processing and avoid its alteration, loss, theft, and unauthorised access and processing, in accordance with the condition of the technology and the nature of the data stored. Likewise, it also guarantees that the processing and registration in files, programmes, systems and equipment, premises and centres comply with the requirements and conditions of integrity and security established in prevailing legislation.


The language applicable to this Privacy Policy is Spanish. Therefore, in the event that there is any discrepancy in the versions provided in other languages, the Spanish language version will prevail.


In the event that users send their CV in through the website, we inform you that the data provided will be processed in order for them to participate in any selection processes, analysing the applicant’s profile so as to select the best candidate. We inform you that this is the only official way to accept your CV as we do not accept CVs submitted via any other channel. In the event of any changes to the details, please write to us as soon as possible to keep your details updated.

Your data will be kept for a maximum period of one year, after which it will be deleted, fully respecting your confidentiality both in its processing and its subsequent deletion. As such, after the aforementioned period, and if you wish to continue participating in the data controller’s selection processes, you will have to send us your CV again.

The data can be processed and/or communicated to companies in our same group during the time in which your CV is stored with us, for the aforementioned purposes.


In the event that users subscribe to the website, we inform you that the data provided will be processed to manage your website subscription. This data will be kept while there is a mutual interest in its processing, for information purposes and with updates. When it is no longer necessary for these purposes, it will be deleted in accordance with the appropriate security measures to ensure the anonymity of the data or its total destruction. Data will not be communicated to third parties, except for legal obligations.


In the event that users wish to publish their opinion online, we inform you that this data will be processed in order to assist with the suggestions proposed, experiences or opinions regarding the products and/or services to be published on the website and serve to help other users. This data will be kept while there is a mutual interest in its processing, and will be deleted in accordance with the appropriate security measures to ensure the anonymity of the data when it is no longer necessary. Testimonials will be published on our website. The only item of personal data published with the testimonial will be your name.


The SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or case law.


To all effects and purposes, relations between SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] and the users of their digital services, through this website, are subject to Spanish laws and jurisdiction, and more specifically the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, to which the parties expressly submit themselves to resolve any conflicts arising from or relating to its use.



This legal notice regulates the use of the following websites:


Browsing the website of the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) will attribute you with the status of a USER and as a user you full and unreservedly accept each and every condition published in this legal notice. Please note that these conditions can be modified without prior notice on the part of the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN), in which case they will be published and with the maximum amount of notice possible.

Therefore, it is recommended that you read the contents carefully in the event of wishing to access and use the information and the services offered on this website.

Users must also use the website properly in accordance with the law, good faith, public order, website traffic, and this legal notice, and will answer to the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) or to third parties, for any damages or harm that they may cause as a result of breaching this obligation.

Any use other than that authorised is expressly prohibited, with the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) able to refuse or withdraw access and use at any time.


In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, regarding information society services and electronic commerce (“LSSICE” in Spanish) and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on personal data protection and guaranteeing digital rights and its implementing regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, the company’s identification details are as follows:


Company name: © SEDEN

Tax ID: G58196734

Address: C/ De la Povedilla 13, Bajo Izquierda de Madrid, 28009, Madrid (Spain)

Tel.: +34 914 093 737



To contact us, please use one of the


  • Tel.: +34 914 093 737
  • Email:
  • Address: C/ De la Povedilla 13, Bajo Izquierda de Madrid, 28009, Madrid (Spain)


To provide information on the services offered by our company.


Our website and its services are open to all and free to use. Nevertheless, the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) can modify the use of some of the services offered on its website by completing the corresponding form first.

Users guarantee that the data that it gives to the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) is authentic and up-to-date and will be the only person responsible for any false or inaccurate claims.

Users expressly commit to using the content and services of SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) properly and not employing them to, among other things:

  1. Spread content that is criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, advocates terrorism or in general, is contrary to the law or public order.
  2. Introduce computer viruses into the network or perform any actions that have the potential to alter, break, interrupt or generally causes errors or damage to the electronic documents, data or physical or logistical systems of SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) or of third parties, as well as hinder the access of other users to the website and its services by massively consuming the I.T. resources through which the SEDEN provides its services.
  3. Attempt to access the email accounts of other users or restricted areas of the I.T. systems of SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) or of third parties, and potentially, extract information.
  4. Infringe upon the intellectual and industrial property rights, as well as breach the confidentiality of information belonging to the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA (SEDEN), or third parties.
  5. Supplant the identity of another user.
  6. Reproduce, copy, distribute, provide or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents without the authorisation of the holder of the corresponding rights or unless this is legally permitted.
  7. Gather data for advertising purposes or send advertising of any type, or communications for purposes of sale or of another commercial nature without first requesting so or gaining consent.

All of the content on the website, such as texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology and software, as well as its graphical design and source codes, are property of the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN), and none of their operating rights can be transferred to any user beyond those which are strictly necessary in line with correct usage of the website.

In short, users who access this website can view the contents and make, where appropriate, authorised private copies, provided that the copied items are not then transferred to third parties, nor are installed onto servers connected to networks, nor are subject to any type of exploitation.

Similarly, all of the brand, commercial names or distinctive logos of any kind which appear on the website belong to the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN), and users are not attributed the right to use or access any of them.

The distribution, modification, transfer or public communication of the contents or any other action which has not been expressly authorised by the holder of the operating rights is forbidden.

The establishment of a hyperlink does not under any circumstances constitute relations between SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) and the owner of the website containing the hyperlink, not does it mean that SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) accepts or approves of this website’s content or services.

The SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) is not responsible for the use that each user makes of the materials provided on this website or the actions that they take based on it.


The content of the website is general and is purely for information purposes. No guarantee is given in terms of access to all contents, nor its completeness, accuracy, validity or timeliness, nor its suitability or use for a specific purpose.

The SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) excludes, to the extent allowed by the legal system. any liability for harm or damage of any kind arising from:

  1. Not being able to access the website or lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness and or timeliness of contents, as well as the existence of vices or defects of any kind in the content transferred, disseminated, stored or provided to or by those who have access to the website or the services offered.
  2. The presence of viruses or other items in the contents that may cause alterations in I.T. systems, electronic documents or data belonging to users.
  3. The breach of these laws, good faith, public order, traffic uses and this legal notice as a result of the improper use of the website. In particular, and by way of example, SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) is not liable for the actions of any third parties who breach intellectual and industrial property rights, trade secrets, the rights to honour, personal and family privacy and reputations, as well as regulations regarding unfair competition and illegal advertising.

Similarly, the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) declines any liability regarding the information that is not contained in this website and not managed directly by our webmaster. The functional links that appear on this website are exclusively to inform users of the existence of other sources which could extend the content offered on this website. The SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) does not guarantee or take liability for the functioning or accessibility of the linked websites. It does not suggest you visit, invite you to visit or recommend visiting them, and therefore is not liable for the resulting outcomes. The SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) is not liable for any hyperlinks set up by third parties.


In the event that any user or third party considers there to be events or circumstances that reveal the illegal nature of the way in which any content is used and/or any activity on the websites or those accessible through the website, they should report this to the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN), duly identifying themselves and specifying the supposed offences.


The provider, on their own account or by a third party contracted to provide measurement services, can use cookies when a user browses the website. Cookies are files sent to the browser by means of a web server with the purpose of recording a user’s activities while they browse.

Cookies used by the website are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not provide the user’s personal data.

By using cookies it is possible that the website’s server recognises the web browser used by the user in order to make browser simpler, for example allowing access to users who have previously signed up, and giving them access to services, promotions or competitions exclusively reserved for them without them having to sign in on each visit. They are also used to measure traffic parameters and audience numbers, control progress and the number of visits.

Users can configure their browser and be notified of cookies to stop them from being installed on their equipment. Please read the instructions and manuals for your browser for further information.

To use the website, users do not need to allow the installation of cookies sent by the website, or the third party acting in their name, notwithstanding that it is necessary for the user to start a session as such in each of the services whose provision requires a prior sign in or log in.

The cookies used on this website are, in any case, temporary with the sole purpose of making further communication more effective. Under no circumstances will cookies be used to collect personal data.

You can allow, learn more about, block or delete cookies installed on your equipment through the option settings of the browser installed on your computer.

For example you can find information about how to do so in the event that you use:







Website servers can automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by users. An IP address is a number assigned automatically to a computer when it is connected to the internet. All of this information is recorded in a registered server activity file which allows for the subsequent processing of data to obtain statistical measurements which provide information on the number of page impressions, visits to the website, order of visits, point of access, etc.


This website uses information security techniques which are widely accepted in the sector, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of avoiding unauthorised access to data. To achieve these aims, users/clients accept that the provider obtains data for the purposes of authenticating access controls.


This is the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA’s [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING’s] (SEDEN’s) policy on collecting and processing cookies, in compliance with that provided in Article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, regarding information society services and electronic commerce (“LSSICE” in Spanish).

The cookies are stored on the user’s terminal equipment (computer or mobile device) and gather information when the user visits the following websites of SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA (SEDEN): 

The cookies are used to improve website usability, learn user habits or browsing requirements in order to better adapt to them, as well as obtain information for statistical purposes. In the case of users who are already clients of the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN), the information gathered by the cookies will also serve as identification when accessing the various tools that the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) provides to manage its services.

This cookie policy will apply to users who voluntarily visit the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) websites, fill in data collection forms, access the tools that the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN)  provides to its clients to manage its services, or use any other service on the website that involves the communication of data to the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN), or the access of data by the SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) for the provision of its services.

The SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMERÍA NEFROLÓGICA [SPANISH SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING] (SEDEN) informs users of its websites of the existence of cookies and that the cookie policy is available to read for information regarding their use and purpose. By continuing to browse on this website, said users recognise and accept this policy.


What are cookies?

Cookies are files or devices that are downloaded onto users terminal equipment to store data that can be updated and recovered by the entity responsible for its installation. In other words, files that are downloaded onto your computer when you access certain websites. Among other things, cookies allow a website to store and recover information on a user’s browsing habits or their equipment, and depending on the information that they contain and the way in which they use their equipment, can be used to recognise the user.

Information on cookies.

  • User entry cookies [1]
  • User identification or authentication cookies (only session cookies)
  • User security cookies[2]
  • Multimedia player session cookies.
  • Load balancing session cookies.
  • User interface customisation cookies.
  • Certain plug-in cookies to exchange social content[3]

These cookies therefore, are excluded from the application scope of Article 22.2 of the LSSI, and it will not be necessary to inform users of them or obtain consent regarding their use. On the other hand, it will be necessary to obtain the consent regarding the use of any other type of cookies, both first-party and third-party, session or persistent, which do not fall outside the application scope of Article 22.2 of the LSSI and for which this guide will provide useful pointers.

Having said this, in the interests of transparency, it is recommended that users are informed about the cookies which are not included within the scope of Article 22.2, either in the cookie policy or in the

privacy policy (for example, “This website uses cookies for the functioning and provision of the services offered therein”).

In any case, cookies may serve more than one purpose (multi-purpose cookies), and therefore, there is the possibility that a cookie can fall outside of the scope of application of article 22.2 of the LSSI for one or more of its purposes and not for others, with the latter being subject to the scope of application of this article. Quoting the Working Group of Article 29, this should “encourage website owners to use a different cookie for each purpose”[4]

Regarding the cookie configuration or management systems referred to below in this guide, when multi-purpose cookies are used for two or more different purposes and are not exempted from the scope of application of Article 22.2 of the LSSI, these cookies must only be used if all the purposes that have been grouped together are accepted. For example, if a cookie serves two purposes, but the user only accepts one of them, then the cookie must not be used, unless the management system employed allows the different purposes of these multi-purpose cookies to be processed distinctly, so that the user can accept one purpose and not another, thus allowing the cookie to only operate for the accepted purpose.

Cookies according to their permanence

There are different kinds of cookies depending mainly on their nature, generally classified as below:

Types of cookies with information:

Depending on their permanence: 

Session cookies: these are designed to gather and store data while the user accesses a website. They are usually employed to store information that only needs to be stored to provide the service requested by the user on a single occasion (for example, a list of acquired products) and which disappears after the session has finished.

Persistent cookies: these store the data on the terminal and can be accessed or processed for an indefinite period by the cookie controller, which can vary from minutes to several years.

Depending on their purpose:

Technical cookies: these allow users to browse a website, platform or application and use the various options or services in included within, including those that the editor uses to manage and operate the website and enable its functions and services (such as control traffic and communicate data, identify the session, access restricted areas and similar purposes of a technical nature).

Customisation cookies: these allow information to be recorded so that the user may access the service with certain characteristics that may differentiate their experience from others, for example, language, the number of results shown when the user performs a search, the appearance or contents of a service depending on the type of browser the user is accessing the service with or the region from which they are accessing, etc.

Analytical cookies: these allow their controllers to follow and analyse user behaviour on websites to which they are linked, as well as gauge advertising impact. The information collected by this type of cookie is used to measure activity on the website, application or platform, in order to introduce enhancements depending on the analysis of service user data.

Behavioural advertising cookies: these store information on user behaviour obtained through continuously observing their browsing data, which allows them to be specifically profiled and shown appropriate advertising.

Depending on their managing entity:

Own cookies: are those which are sent to users’ terminal equipment from a device or domain managed by the editor which provides the service requested by users.

Third-party cookies: these are sent to users’ terminal equipment from a device or domain that is not managed by the editor, but another entity that processes the data obtained from the cookies.

What type of cookie does this website use?

This website uses cookies which facilitate users’ use and browsing, guarantee access to certain services and improve the functional configuration of the website.

The provider, on their own account or by a third party contracted to provide measurement services, can use cookies when a user browses the website. Cookies are files sent to the browser by means of a web server with the purpose of recording a user’s activities while they browse.

Cookies used by the website are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not provide the user’s personal data.

This website specifically uses the following cookies:






Cookies required to differentiate between the website use of a person or a robot.



Cookies required to differentiate between the website use of a person or a robot.



Statistical cookies. Collect information on how a user interacts with the website and sends anonymous information.

personalisation_id (




Advertising, statistics and metrics

Places cookies on the computer or device and receives information stored on them when you use or visit services provided by other companies that use the Facebook services.

_ga (Google)

2 years

Used to differentiate between users.

_gid (Google)

24 hours

Used to differentiate between users.

_gat (Google)

1 minute

Use to limit the percentage of requests. If you have implemented Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be called _dc_gtm_<property-id>.



Statistical cookies. Sends data on your visit and behaviour to Google Analytics.



Internal statistical cookies. Remembers how many times you have opened and read a pdf file.


2 years

Statistical cookies. Collects and sends data on website visits and viewing to Vimeo.


1 year

Updates the counter of the social media exchange functions on a website.


1 day

Guarantees that the updated counter is shown to the user if they share a webpage with the social media service AddThis.



Used by the social media platform AddThis



Used by the social media platform AddThis


1 year

Geolocalisation, which is used to help providers to determine the geographical location of users who share information (domestic level).


1 year

Detects the frequency with which the social media service AddThis deals with the same user.


1 year

Registers the content shared by the user through social media.



Save this visitor’s session status through the website requests.

How to manage cookie configuration.

By using cookies it is possible that the website’s server recognises the web browser used by the user in order to make browser simpler, for example allowing access to users who have previously signed up, and giving them access to services, promotions or competitions exclusively reserved for them without them having to sign in on each visit. They are also used to measure traffic parameters and audience numbers, control progress and the number of visits.

Users can configure their browser and be notified of cookies to stop them from being installed on their equipment. Please read the instructions and manuals for your browser for further information.

To use the website, users do not need to allow the installation of cookies sent by the website, or the third party acting in their name, notwithstanding that it is necessary for the user to start a session as such in each of the services whose provision requires a prior sign in or log in.

The cookies used on this website are, in any case, temporary with the sole purpose of making further communication more effective. Under no circumstances will cookies be used to collect personal data.

You can allow, learn more about, block or delete cookies installed on your equipment through the option settings of the browser installed on your computer.

For example you can find information about how to do so in the event that you use:






Users can also allow, block or delete cookies installed on their equipment by modifying the configuration of their browser according to instructions. For information purposes, cookies can usually be configured in the “Preferences” or “Tools” menu of each browser, in any case, the browser help section can always be consulted to solve any queries that are generated in this regard.

Please note that if no cookies are allowed to be installed, the website content, as well as certain functions and services facilitated by the website could be affected.

Period of conservation

The amount of time that data collected through cookies is kept will depend on the purposes it is used for, without prejudice to the legally-established period.

For further information on the processing of personal data, please consult our Privacy Policy.