Journal Description

Enfermería Nefrológica is the official journal of the Spanish Society of Nephrology Nursing.

Enfermería Nefrológica publishes quarterly nursing research articles related to nephrology, high blood pressure and dialysis and transplants, which aim to increase scientific knowledge and ultimately lead to better renal patient care. 

In its online version it is a Diamond Open Access journal does not charge for submissions, nor for publishing articles, and is aimed at nephrology nurses. The journal accepts articles written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. Enfermería Nefrológica follows the publication guidelines drafted by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The reuse of work must be done under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 International licence.

This journal is indexed in: CINAHL, IBECS, SciELO, CUIDEN, SIIC, Latindex, Capes,  DULCINEA, Dialnet, DOAJ, ENFISPO, Scopus, Sherpa Romeo, C17, RECOLECTA, Redalyc, REBIUN, REDIB, MIAR, WordCat, Google Scholar Metric, Cuidatge, Cabells Scholarly Analytics, WoS-Scielo Citation Index, AURA,  JournalTOCs y ProQuest.

Lola Andreu 2022-2023 award


Scientific award for the best work published in the Enfermería Nefrológica journal during the period between the last issue in 2022 and the first three issues of 2023.  See conditions.

Vol. 27 No. 4 (2024): Volume 27, 4th Quarter (Oct-Dec) 2024

Published: December 30, 2024

Metabolic syndrome in the renal patient. Literature review

294-304 Antonio José Martín-Hurtado, Carmen Morales-Cuenca, Raquel Espejo-Rodríguez, Rodolfo Crespo-Montero

Sociodemographic, clinical, frailty and post-donation complications analysis in kidney donor candidates: a descriptive retrospective cohort study

306-313 María Xuan Carreras-Carbonell, Guillermo Pedreira-Robles, Anna Bach-Pascual, María José Pérez-Sáez, Dolores Redondo-Pachón, Marta Crespo Crespo-Barrio, Eva Padrosa-Sayeras

Personal, family and work-life balance of nephrology nurses in Spain

315-325 María Ruiz-García, Marta Broncano-Rodríguez, Sara Mencía-Prendes, Marina Peñalba-Sanz, Francesca Sgarbossa, Juan Francisco Pulido-Pulido

Recovery time analysis of a haemodialysis session

327-332 Ana Isabel Aguilera-Flórez, María del Rosario Castro-García, María Blanco-Álvarez, Israel Robles-del Río, Lydia Rodríguez-Pérez, Ángela González-Landeras

Analysis of infectious complications in peritoneal dialysis according to the antiseptic used to cure the outflow orifice

334-338 Cristina Vázquez, Miriam LLado, Aurora Fontova, Alicia Rey

Impact of constipation on the quality of life of people on haemodialysis. Multicentre study

340-348 Vanesa Pardo-Vicastillo, Marta Marks-Álvarez, Tamara de Castro-de la Cruz, Leticia Sanz-de la Torre, Mª Teresa Andrino-Llorente, Filomena Trocoli-González

Analysis of vascular access self-care and health literacy of people on haemodialysis

349-357 Gustavo Manuel Contreras-Martos, María Trinidad Quesada-Armenteros, Domingo Martínez-Cazalla, Flor Becerra-Maldonado, Antonio Ochando-García

Perceived quality of care in the Nephrology Units of Madrid's public hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic

358-369 Ines Constanze Hammel, Alberto Villaverde-Núñez, Beatriz Arriero-López, Judith García-Hernández, Cristina Andreu-Velázquez, Israel John Thuissard-Vasallo, Margarita Medina-Escudero, Carmen Díaz-Enciso, Elena Barragán-Martín, Miriam Graciano-Mora, Susana Lorenzo-Rosón, Ana Belén Tirado-García, Ana María Sánchez-de Castro-Díaz, Cristina Pérez-Ramos, Felipe Llorente-de Miguel
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