Lola Andreu 2022-2023 award
Scientific award for the best work published in the Enfermería Nefrológica journal during the period between the last issue in 2022 and the first three issues of 2023. See conditions.
Enfermería Nefrológica is the official journal of the Spanish Society of Nephrology Nursing.
Enfermería Nefrológica publishes quarterly nursing research articles related to nephrology, high blood pressure and dialysis and transplants, which aim to increase scientific knowledge and ultimately lead to better renal patient care.
In its online version it is a Diamond Open Access journal does not charge for submissions, nor for publishing articles, and is aimed at nephrology nurses. The journal accepts articles written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. Enfermería Nefrológica follows the publication guidelines drafted by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The reuse of work must be done under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 International licence.
This journal is indexed in: CINAHL, IBECS, SciELO, CUIDEN, SIIC, Latindex, Capes, DULCINEA, Dialnet, DOAJ, ENFISPO, Scopus, Sherpa Romeo, C17, RECOLECTA, Redalyc, REBIUN, REDIB, MIAR, WordCat, Google Scholar Metric, Cuidatge, Cabells Scholarly Analytics, WoS-Scielo Citation Index, AURA, JournalTOCs y ProQuest.
Scientific award for the best work published in the Enfermería Nefrológica journal during the period between the last issue in 2022 and the first three issues of 2023. See conditions.
Vol. 28 No. 1 (2025): Volume 28, 1st Quarter (Jan-Mar) 2025